Steps to setup code signing certificate

Step 1: First, plug in your token (Smart Card) in your computer

Step 2: Install the SafeNet Drivers and Client Software (Windows)

  1. Download the SafeNet driver for Windows. (refer email send by certificate provider) The SafeNet drivers allow you to enable code signer authentication. Once enabled, SafeNet pops up before you sign code and requires you to enter your password to verify that you are the actual signer.

  2. Run the SafeNet Authentication Client installer (double-click SafeNetAuthenticationClient-x64.msi).

  3. In the SafeNet Authentication Client Setup Wizard, complete the following steps to install the drivers.

Step 3: Sign and Timestamp Code

You are ready to begin signing your code with your EV Code Signing Certificate.

  1. Open your Addins project on visual studio.
  2. Right-click Grammatica.Addins > Properties > Signing.
  3. Click Select From Store option and choose your installed certificate.
  4. Enter Token password you received from e-mail.
  5. Build the project.